Women in Policing: The Elephant in the Room.

“This is a man’s world, choose your side.” It was my first official shift. Sitting in a patrol car, ready to take a call—to press the mic and declare “10-8”—…

The Point of No Return

I couldn’t speak, couldn’t even think. My body froze despite everything inside me wanting to run. I sat and stared at him without seeing……. It was my eleventh year of…

Playing it Safe

Back before I published the Standing Six website in 2017, I shared my story with a friend and fellow First Responder about why I left policing. She read it with…


Milestones, as we all know, are significant events. They tend to measure how we as a society or individual have grown or changed. They are rightly honoured and celebrated. That…

Perfect Timing

Back in April I was contacted by my VPD field trainer, Sgt. Keiron McConnell, to do a presentation. He wanted me to speak to his third year criminology students at…

Why Standing Six?

Why Standing Six? Many times while walking the beat in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside I would turn a corner just in time to hear the whispered words: “six” or “six up”….

What was so scary?

One year ago, July 26, 2016, to be exact, I announced to friends and clients alike, the creation of Standing Six – Equine Support for First Responders. My FB page…